Judy K. Walker


Judy K. Walker

Judy K. Walker

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense

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    Apr 2017

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    United States

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A recovering criminal attorney, Judy K. Walker has enough spare letters after her name (and student loan debt) to suggest that insatiable curiosity is something fictional private investigator Sydney Brennan inherited from her creator. Fortunately, Judy’s curiosity rarely involves murders.

Judy also created the Dead Hollow Trilogy, an Appalachian thriller series with a touch of the paranormal that taps into her West Virginia origins.

She writes from her home in Hawaii, where she is surrounded by husband, feral pigs, and assorted geckos.

Reading Order for the Sydney Brennan Mysteries is:
1) Back to Lazarus
2) Secrets in Stockbridge
3) The Perils of Panacea
4) No Safe Winterport
5) Braving the Boneyard
6) River Bound
7) Grave Truth
8) Memory Lane

Judy K. Walker Books

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